DECEMBER 22, 2024
1) Let us pray for the Church:
Shepherd of Israel, stand firm and protect your flock.
Guide our parish and inspire those who shepherd us in your name. We pray to the Lord…
2) Let us pray for world peace:
God of glory and majesty, may your peace reach to the ends of the earth, especially during this holy season.
Be the strength of those who suffer war, oppression, or injustice. Keep those who serve in the military always in your care.
We pray to the Lord…
3) Let us pray for the poor and the outcast:
Look down from heaven, O Lord, and be with those in need. May the poor find us to be generous friends.
Keep families together.
We pray to the Lord…
4) Let us pray for the sick and the suffering:
Be peace and comfort to those who suffer from every
incurable disease. Specially, hear our prayers for our sick members and friends –
Lauren Montgomery
Ashley Shaffer
Melanie Pesta
Marian Wodwaska
Helen Kuciemba
Henry Wojciechowski
Marge Park
Garry Bryant
Diana Frechette
And for all who have asked for our prayers.
We pray to the Lord…
5) Let us remember the dead:
Lord, fulfill your promise to those who trust in you.
Grant eternal rest to our beloved, especially –
(4:00 Mass) Tom Rogan, Marcia Pawluk
(8:30 Mass) Fr. Gerry Frawley, George Burkett
(10:30 Mass) Jack Zubalik, Tyler Bonner,
Jonathan Davis
We pray to the Lord…