1) Let us pray for the Church:
God, you anointed Jesus with spirit and power at his baptism. Uphold your servant, the Church, and fill all the baptized with the grace and power of the Holy Spirit.
We pray to the Lord…
2) Let us pray for hope in our nation and our cities:
Be a light for all the nations, loving God, and inspire our civil leaders. Establish your justice on the earth and help us respect every person. May our nation find the path to peace. Keep all military personnel in your loving care.
We pray to the Lord…
3) Let us pray for the broken-hearted and the oppressed:
Open the eyes of the blind and bring prisoners to freedom. May all who live in the darkness of grief or failure come to know the saving power of God.
We pray to the Lord…
4) Let us pray for the sick:
Send your healing Spirit upon our ailing members and friends -- and upon all who have asked for our prayers.
Lauren Montgomery
Ashley Shaffer
Ed Nowakowski
Henry Wojciechowski
Garry Bryant
Marge Flanagan
We pray to the Lord…
5) Let us remember the dead:
Welcome our beloved as your sons and daughters. Embrace them with eternal life, especially –
(4:00 Mass) Marcia Pawluk
(8:30 Mass) Mary Huot
(10:30 Mass) Deceased members of the Ziskie Family
We pray to the Lord…